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CU Transit

4.4 ( 5024 ratings )
旅游 导航
开发 Sukolsak Sakshuwong

CU Transit is an app to get important information about bus service in Champaign-Urbana area.

→ Bus Stops
Find bus stops near you. Just zoom in to where you are, or type in the current address. CU Transit can use GPS to find nearby bus stops.

→ Departure Times
See what buses are coming, when they are departing, and where they are heading.

→ Bus Location
Track the location of the bus in real time. You can also see the route it is running on the map and see where it is heading.

→ Trip Planner
Find directions to anywhere you want to go. Just type in the addresses of the origin and the destination, or pinpoint them on the map. Then see the instructions step by step.

→ Sharing & Bookmarks
Share your location with your friends or bookmark the bus stop you often use.

→ Street View
Not sure what the destination bus stop looks like? Use street view to see its photos to make sure you get off at the right bus stop.

→ Routes
See maps and schedules and find more information about the bus you are taking. CU Transit contains more than 60 offline bus maps that you can view even when you dont have an Internet connection.

→ ...and many more features
With search autocomplete, responsive user interface, and many more features, everything just works.

Check out more screenshots at

This is not an official app by CUMTD. Data in the app is provided by CUMTD.